Lincoln & Lola

We welcomed these two tiny lambs to the Herd in March 2020. Lincoln (pictured at left) was born at the same commercial farm as Linus but Lincoln’s mother rejected him and would not let him nurse, so the farmer gave him to us. We brought him home and he flourished. Lincoln is a huge stunning lamb with a bit of mischievous in him, and when he was living in the house for a few weeks as a baby, he liked to sleep in front of the fireplace, and he loved the couch, even though he wasn’t supposed to go on it.

Lola (pictured at right) arrived 2 days after Lincoln, and was also rejected by her mother at a farm in Abbotsford. Lola had some trouble initially, coming down with pneumonia at just a few weeks old. She was very tiny and was not expected to live.

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